Then, what are you against? – Jack Hibbs, Real Life Radio 9/24/24 (Transcribed)

People will say, well, we are a church that’s all about what we’re for. We’re all about what God is for. Doesn’t that sound good? That sounds good. We’re all about what God’s for. And they’ll say, we don’t want people, we don’t want the community to know what we’re against. We don’t want to be negative. Are you hearing me? That sounds very good. But let me ask you something: if you’re gonna follow Jesus regarding the defense of children, babies to spare their life or not is God for that is he for life or is he against life? He’s for life if you stand for life, then guess what, you’re against death.

But we’re a church that we want people to know what we’re for. The moment you stand you understand something, the moment you take a stand for something, there’s an opposing view to your stand. So when somebody says, well, we want to be a church and what we’re known for. Well, then ask the church, what are you against? Nothing.

Do you hear me? This is a big deal, because people who don’t do anything, we’ll say to those who are doing something, well, you know what? They’re just against stuff. Okay. I, for example, there are churches who say that Jack guy, he’s against so much. And so I say, what am I against? I want you to name it. What am I against? And it’s great because the things that I’m for, God is for, but the moment you take a stand, you’re going to get hit. So let me ask you something. It is my prayer, if I were sending you out in 1 Corinthians 16, I would say, be biblical about your stand and stop worrying about the trendy, moving opinions of people. Make sure that what you stand for is 100% biblically based and it’s something Jesus would stand for and then listen go, go for it, because people are going to come against you even in so-called Christianity they’re gonna hate you. This is a critical thing and Paul says a great doors opened up for me but man is there adversity and adversaries. That’s how you know you’re on the right path.

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